Frequently Asked Questions About Fault In An Accident

There are quite a lot of questions that people tend to ask when they’ve been involved in an accident of any kind. The majority of them are rather important when it comes to the overall proper conduct of the entire case. So, let’s have a look at the most frequently asked ones.

How to prove who is at fault legally?

This is undoubtedly one of the most important things that you have to understand. When it comes to accidents and fault-distribution, the province of Ontario is governed by the Insurance Act. This is a special piece of legislation which contains the regulations when it comes to accidents and the insurance coverage of the same. With this in mind, you might be interested to know that there is a “no fault” rule which acts in Ontario.

This means that it wouldn’t much matter the person at fault as you are capable of claiming your damages from your own insurance company. That’s what an insurance policy is good for. Of course, the fault is important because it would determine the increase of the overall amount of your premiums.

Can I get compensation if I’m at fault?

Yes, you can. As we mentioned above, the “no fault” rule applies in these situations and it means that you will be able to receive the compensation that you are entitled to from your own insurance company. However, after that, the latter will conduct its own research and investigation and when fault is assigned, you will likely have to pay significantly higher insurance premiums.

What is negligence?

This is one of the most important things that you need to understand. Negligence is the institute which defines personal injury law. It is something which could be characterized as the unintentional breach what is established as the standard duty of care. An example might be easier to understand.

When you are the owner of a shop you have the genuine responsibility to ensure that your premise is safe for your customers. For example, when you decide to get the floors cleaned and they are wet afterwards, someone might slip. The genuine thing to do here is to make sure that people don’t step on the slippery surface. If that’s impossible, you need to let them know about the potential danger by putting a sign, for instance. Failing to do so would be negligent on your behalf. And that is why it is important to inform the personal injury lawyer about it. They will work accordingly and hiding your negligence can go against you.

As you can see, there are quite a few things that you might want to take into consideration when it comes to personal injury law. These are some of the basic questions that a lot of people are genuinely concerned with. Visiting a lawyer will provide you with a lot of additional insight, should you need any.