What Are The Rights of Injured Passengers?

Anyone that was riding in a vehicle at the time of an accident has the right to file a personal injury claim with the help of an injury lawyer in Huntsville. That same passenger will need to pay medical expenses, and has a right to seek compensation for such damages.

Suggested actions for injured passenger, at scene of the accident

Seek immediate medical attention

Take part in the exchange of information

—Exchange of names and contact information
—Exchange of names for insurance companies

Seek details on the number of witnesses

Take pictures

Request copy of police report, or get the number for the officer at the scene, and share that information with a personal injury lawyer

Actions to be taken by passenger, after getting back to his/her residence

• Save all records and all bills
• Save details on all transportation costs and parking expenses
• Keep track of any increase in the household’s expenses
• Contact own insurance company, if a policy has been purchased
• Hire a personal injury attorney.

Determine who could be held liable for the damages

• It might have been one or more of the drivers.
• It might be the owner of a vehicle, if the owner was not the driver.
• It might be an employer of one of the drivers.
• It could be the parents of a teenage driver.
• Maybe a pedestrian or a bicycle rider contributed to the factors that caused the accident’s occurrence.

Consider the factors that could act to determine the severity of the reported injury

• Nature and extent of injury
• Nature and extent of treatment
• Effect of injury on the passenger’s life
• Level of pain and suffering

Estimate value of reported injury

• Use the formula used by the insurance companies
• Compare that estimated value with the figure in the insurance company’s opening bid.
• Compare bid with the passenger’s choice for his/her own lowest acceptable offer.

Actions to take during recovery

Do not post any pictures or statements on a social media network.

Follow the instructions of the treating physician. Wait until arrival of the MMI (maximum medical improvement). Following arrival at MMI, work with lawyer to compose a demand letter.

Send demand letter to the insurance adjuster. Work with lawyer, in order to prepare for negotiations. If pain persists, record the intensity and length in a journal or diary. Share that information with your personal injury lawyer.

Study each offer made by insurance company. Working with your attorney, decide whether or not you want to accept the amount that has been offered. Never accept the initial bid. Demand an explanation for any low-ball bid. When both sides have agreed on the settlement terms, have those terms written out, so that your lawyer can review them. Have lawyer review release, too, before you sign it.