What To Do If Injured In Subway?

No one wants to get injured while traveling down a passage that leads to a form or underground transportation. By the same token, no one wants to get injured while riding a subway. Still, accidents happen everywhere, even in subways. What steps should a victim take, following an accident in or around a subway?

Types of subway accidents:

• Collision
• Derailment
• Passenger hurt by sudden starts or stops

How negligence might cause someone to get injured:

• A ramp is allowed to remain slippery; a floor is allowed to remain wet and slippery.
• Poor maintenance of the stairway or the ramps.

Steps that should be taken by the victim:

Seek medical help as soon as possible. You can hire a personal injury lawyer in Cornwall that understand how difficult it can be to determine who should be held responsible for any injuries, when an accident has taken place in a subway.

Who might be held responsible for the victim’s injuries?

The company that operates the means of public transport (the subway) might be held accountable.

Perhaps something was wrong with some of the equipment. In that case, the manufacturer or the designer of the equipment might be held liable.

Sometimes a passenger creates a dangerous condition by bringing a certain object onto the subway, or by performing a specific action, while riding in one of the subway’s cars.

As mentioned above, the stairway that leads down to the underground track has to be maintained properly. That is usually the job of city workers. They must make sure that the men and women walking on the stairs can grab onto a sturdy bar, usually one that has been attached to the wall.

The same workers need to keep the stairs well-lighted. Their failure to follow-through with that specific responsibility could be used as evidence that the city was liable for the victims’ injuries. A lawyer would be able to make such an accusation.

How an injured victim might be held responsible?

It could be that someone had brought a bicycle onto the subway, in order to ride-off at a future stop. Such an action could be viewed as a willingness to accept a certain amount of risk. For that reason, the cyclist/subway rider might be held partly responsible for his or her own injuries.

Someone who had just left a car might fail to pay sufficient attention to where he or she was going. Such a person might be texting a friend, or thinking about some information that was discovered during an online search with a laptop computer. In any case, the inattentive individual might move in the wrong direction and, therefore, get injured. In that instance, the victim’s inattentive behavior would have caused the victim’s injuries.