Determining Liability In The Case of A Dog Attack

Since the Dog Owners’ Liability Act has been implemented in Ontario, it is wholly the dog’s owner who is held liable for the consequences of their dog’s attack on another person or another person’s domestic animal. Even if the dog has no history of violent behavior, and even if the owner has not expressed any negligent behavior, they will still be held liable under this Act.However, if the victim can be proven guilty of provocation or negligence themselves, then the damages they are owed can be significantly reduced. Read More

Why Dog Bites Are A Serious Threat?

There are quite a lot of different injuries that you might fall a subject to but the most dangerous ones are those which are commonly overlooked. With this in mind, it goes without saying that dog bites are amongst the most seriously underestimated injuries which are actually capable of causing a tremendous amount of serious injuries and they can even be fatal. There are a few reported cases of dogs attacking people who have ended up in the death of the latter. With this in mind, it is important to take a look at the reasons for which dog bites are so serious. Read More