All About Processing A Damaged Vehicle Insurance Claim

Once you get involved in a car accident which results in physical injury or psychological trauma or any other damages pertaining to your property, you would certainly need to bring it to the notice of the broker, agent or insurance company within a few days. This is irrespective of the fact whether you or the other party is at fault. If you are not capable of reporting it within the first seven days, you would have to do it as quickly as you can after this. If you don’t report it, however, within the specific time which is considered to be reasonable, you wouldn’t be able to make the most of it and your claim might not even get honored. This is something that you should definitely account for. Read More

How Does A Personal Injury Lawyer Bill For Legal Consultation And Services?

Being involved in a personal injury case is something which could just as well turn your entire life around. It’s something which could have long-lasting impact on your overall life and, at the same time, it could cost you quite a lot of money. In emotional and financial distress of the kind, people would quite commonly disregard the possibility of getting professional legal assistance because they tend to believe it’s something they can’t possibly afford. Read More

Know About Fault Determination In A Personal Injury Case

Fault is a very sensitive subject when it comes to personal injury law. Insurance companies need to properly determine the fault or the degree of fault that has been assigned to every driver in a car accident. This has been the purpose to determine the property damage coverage is going to apply to the accident. This is also necessary to make sure that the premiums of the at-fault driver are correctly adjusted. Read More

What To Do After Slip And Fall On A Public Sidewalk?

There are different types of accidents that you might fall a victim to and slip and fall are definitely amongst the most serious ones. Even though they are commonly overlooked as not so serious and harmless, they are also known to be the actual cause of a lot of serious damages, including fatalities. This is due to the fact that when you slip and fall you are most commonly going to hit your head in a hard surface which is particularly dangerous. This could cause traumatic brain injuries which could lead to paralysis and other dreaded conditions. Read More